
Behaviour and conflicts new methodologies, motivation and cooperation strategies [EPF-Z2]


Bogate dziedzictwo kulturalne i artystyczne oraz wspaniałe położenie pośród pokrytych winnicami wzgórz Toskanii czynią Florencję jednym z najsławniejszych miast na świecie. Spacerując po mieście mija się imponujące, wykładane marmurem kościoły, renesansowe piazza i eleganckie pałace mieszczące doskonałe muzea, w tym sławną galerię malarstwa Uffizi. Wieczorami Florencja odkrywa swoje drugie oblicze pełne przytulnych kawiarni, restauracji i trattorii serwujących wyśmienite toskańskie przysmaki i doskonałe lokalne wino Chianti.

Siedziba szkoły mieści się w centrum Florencji, skąd blisko jest do wszystkich atrakcji miasta. Wszyscy trenerzy prowadzący szkolenia to osoby o ogromnym doświadczeniu, a także pełne entuzjazmu, potrafiące efektywnie wykorzystać czas zajęć i stworzyć partnerską atmosferę. Co roku ponad 700 nauczycieli z całej Europy poszerza tutaj swoje umiejętności i horyzonty oraz nawiązuje nowe kontakty, które potem owocują w międzynarodowych projektach edukacyjnych.

Program szkolenia

This course has been created for teachers who want to understand group dynamics and how they affect the school environment, as well as to learn more about managing an effective and up to date classroom that encourages participation, motivation and engaged learning using the latest techniques and classroom tools.

Through interactive and practical activities participants will gain knowledge about the various types of conflict and how to use them as an opportunity for growth. They will increase their own ability to model and encourage active listening, empathy and emotional literacy among students. Participants will also share classroom strategies, acquire new teaching methodologies such as the “Flipped Classroom”, learn how to establish classroom rules, develop rapport, and assess and evaluate learners.

By the end of the course, participants will enjoy a greater awareness of their students' emotional needs and behaviour and will have the skills to promote stronger classroom relationships and a more positive climate in school – for teachers and students. They will have gained also greater insight into what makes a classroom run smoothly and will take away practical ideas for effective learning and participation.

Two Florence guided tours and 1 full day Tuscan cultural excursion (usually on the first Saturday) will also be part of the programme.


*The detailed course content will be agreed upon before each session according to the needs and requests of the participants.

MONDAY - Presentations and Warm up games; Lesson and discussion about group dynamics, positive and negative outcomes of conflict, aggressive behavior, bullying and various 'roles' played by group members. Hand-on activities to promote awareness.

TUESDAY - Lesson and experiences regarding classroom cohesion, importance of forming a 'team'. Conflict as an opportunity for growth. Practical activities using course members as a model for understanding group dynamics.

WEDNESDAY - Lesson and activities about empathy, active listening and reformulation as powerful tools in diffusing conflict and strengthening relationships. Practical activities and role play.

THURSDAY - Lesson about strategies such as peer mediation, circle time activities, class diary, etc and how to use them effectively in the classroom. Practical and experiential activities.

FRIDAY - Discussion of particular issues course members face, round up of week's activities.

SATURDAY- Full Day Excursion

MONDAY - Warm up games; Dealing with typical classroom management problems and techniques to solve them; Establishing classroom rules with logical consequences; Providing clear and concise instructions.

TUESDAY - Monitoring during pair and group work; Managing pair and group work; Looking at typical classroom management case studies; Asking students to reflect on their behavior; How to use behavior rubrics; How to maintain student centered.

WEDNESDAY - Working on Vision and Mission statements with Classroom Management in mind; Looking at our own classroom management behaviors as teachers; Assessment: Rubrics and Portfolios; Managing the Flipped Classroom; Creating a Flipped Classroom lesson.

THURSDAY - Working on Motivation: basic notions and ICT tools to captivate students’ attention and facilitate learning.

FRIDAY - Cooperative learning, cooperative writing; Reflective Teaching; Professional Development. Round up of abilities and competencies acquired. Class discussion of personal cases and brainstorming of possible strategies.

Free time activities offered to all our courses in Florence include: 2 City Guided Tours of Florence and a 1 day Tuscan Excursion (usually on Saturday). Other free time (optional) activities include: 1 Meeting about ERASMUS+ opportunities for schools, teachers and learners (those meetings have produced several EUROPEAN LLP and ERASMUS+ Partnerships among schools in the last 10 years).

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